New Patients
Our office welcomes all conditions and injuries for evaluation. We will let you know if we can help!
Preferred providers with Please print & complete, before your visit.
Blue Cross/ Blue Shield
Capital Blue Cross
Highmark Blues Shield
Personal Injury & Workman’s Compensation.
** If we are not a participating provider with your particular insurance we have affordable fees and accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
Not sure if you’re covered?
Give us a call, (484)821-0880, and we would be happy to verify your benefits over the phone.
Please print & complete, before your visit.
What should I bring to my first visit?
Insurance card (if your insurance covers care)
Picture Identification Card
Previous imaging (or reports of imaging) on the area of complaint
Any lab work that has been performed
Please be sure to dress comfortably, or bring comfortable,
loose fitting clothes appropriate for examination and treatment
What can I expect when I arrive for my first visit?
When you arrive for your first appointment, Dr. Emerich will talk to you about the history of your complaint. You will then receive a detailed examination. Based upon the results of the examination, Dr. Emerich will design a treatment protocol specific to the individual patient, and to his/her condition