New Patients

Our office welcomes all conditions and injuries for evaluation.  We will let you know if we can help!

Preferred providers with  Please print & complete, before your visit. 

  • Aetna

  • AmeriHealth

  • Blue Cross/ Blue Shield

  • Capital Blue Cross

  • Geisinger

  • Highmark Blues Shield

  • Medicare

  • Personal Injury & Workman’s Compensation.

        ** If we are not a participating provider with your particular insurance we have affordable fees and accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.

Not sure if you’re covered?

Give us a call, (484)821-0880, and we would be happy to verify your benefits over the phone.

Please print & complete, before your visit. 

What should I bring to my first visit?

  • Insurance card (if your insurance covers care)

  • Picture Identification Card

  • Previous imaging (or reports of imaging) on the area of complaint

  • Any lab work that has been performed

  • Please be sure to dress comfortably, or bring comfortable,
    loose fitting clothes appropriate for examination and treatment

What can I expect when I arrive for my first visit?

When you arrive for your first appointment, Dr. Emerich will talk to you about the history of your complaint. You will then receive a detailed examination. Based upon the results of the examination, Dr. Emerich will design a treatment protocol specific to the individual patient, and to his/her condition